Chilipoker Deepstack Open, Vienna - Survived Day 1b
After a very long time of failed attemps I made it again into a Day2 of a bigger event. Actually the DSO Sideevent in Dublin in 2009 was my last Day 2 if I remember correctly!

But from there things went very well. It was a good table with a nice mix of decent and not so decent players and the action was hard but it was always possible to control the potsizes. Therefore I never became involved in pots that grew bigger then I wanted them to be and was able to play may way up to 88k in a slow and steady way.
We had a total of 292 player on Day 1b and the number of participant of both days combined was a good 505 total.
Unfortunately 88k was my high point for most of the eveneing hours as I first missed to participate in an important pot and then lost a good bunch in one of the not so many hands that went the wrong way.
In the first occurance (which happend a little bit before the high with about 70k), a small stack went all-in for 12k when I woke up with JJ in the BB. I was eager to call this all-in but another stack with 35k moved in too. After tanking some time I discarded my Jacks as being against two opponents didn't look right here. I was wrong as the smallstack showed KJ and the other guy showed 99. No help for either of them and what could have been my pot went to somebody else :-(
The next all-in was easier to call. Patrick Hirtzer went all-in on an 7xx A board with about 12k. I called with AK and he showed me 77. Ouch, well trapped!
I now was down to 60k and to add insult to injury I was card dead for the next few hours. But then came the time of the 9's. With just 30k left I moved all-in with 9's and my opponent called with AQ. The coin fell on my side and I was back in the game. I then had to discard 9's against the same opponent somewhat later when he went all-in on me but got a third try (this time against another opponent). He was holding AK got no help (while my 9's improved to a set on the turn). I busted him and finally broke the 100k mark for the first time.
While I was very satisfied with my game in general I then played one hand very badly. Not only because I got bluffed from the hand. That's something that will happen to anybody from time to time, but because I allowed the pot to grow bigger then I wanted it to be. That brought me back down to 70k and from there even further down to 50k.
At the end I was able to revover a bit and packed 76,000 chips at the end of level 12. Still an o.k. result but I know it could have been more. Average should be around 130k in the combined field of 192 players. I am curently on 139th position in the chipcount and the blinds will be 1,500/3,000 (400). I expect 50-52 places to be paid.
Now sitting here at the Montesino, enjoying breakfast and writing this blog. Beeing in the hotel next door has advantages and disadvantages: It gives you a lot of flexibility but you start to realize that you don't get to see many different things. Same places, same people , same routine all the time. And your outside time is limited too. But for now I very much enjoy the flexibility ;-)
Start of Day 2 is at 1pm this afternoon. Live reports for Day 2 and the combined chipcount can be found here: Pokerfirma Live Reporting
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