Bad timing...
...for my worst run of cards ever.
I can play whatever I like (2nd Chance, Satellite, MGM Tournament) ... you name it and I lose it. It's horrible! I get nothing playable for almost all-time. And those seldom occasions I have a hand it will be beaten by some of the worst bad beats I ever had.
Under these circumstances an 18th place of 88 in the MGM tournament isn't that bad. But the way I ended it was typically for the way things are going this time: Severly short stacked I find AA on the button. It's folded to me, I raise all-in and BB calls. Shows Q6 and gets a 6 on the Turn and a Q on the River. Yes, and I shouldn't forget my Full House that was beaten by Quads in a Satellite. There are so much more and I'm currently tired ... tired from bad beats.
But there are nicer things to write about. Even with those bad run of cards I have a great time. I enjoy being at the WSOP. Yesterday I was watching the final table of the $1,000 rebuy tournament - just as Andy Bloch called Allan Cunninham's all-in. Andy had 99 and Allan AQ. A queen on the River sealed Andy's faith and he was out at 7th. I'm sorry for him as I rooted for him to get a bracelet. Eventually Allan Cunningham won the tournament. The pros are strong this year.
Tonight I was just at the right time again as the final decision was made in the ladies tournament. Another bad beat story were a 6 on the River ended the dreams of one of the ladys. But beside that this is just a great moment. Again a picture can't tell what happens when somebody wins his (or her) bracelet. Just one great memory about the WSOP.
I haven't won anything so far but all those impressions are so great that I don't regret to be here. And if time allows I will be there again next year.
Tomorrow is a little easy going as we have to change hotels and I skipped the 11am at the MGM. Instead I will play one more satellite and the nighty 2nd chance again.
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